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Trade Capture Platform

TCP is a platform that enables Shell to import external trades, analyse them, and ensure they are matched to the appropriate trade data in Shell's internal trade logbook.

This process utilises key-value pair mappings stored in a database accessible to TCP platform developers. Currently, key personals lack direct access to view/amend what is mapped in production and heavily relies on outdated spreadsheet documentation.

This hampers efficiency and diverts resources from essential projects. A solution was urgently needed to boost mapping visibility, reduce reliance on external teams, and drive business growth and efficiency.


  • Streamlined Failure Analysis: With more efficient failure analysis the TCP support teams can quickly identify and address issues, reducing time to fix issues by 75%.

  • Reduced Time sink for developers: Developers went from spending 4 hours a week writing complex scripts to a fully automated process - This translated to about a 95% decrease in time spent writing complex SQL scripts. Developers could now focus on pivotal business initiatives at Shell.

  • Improved Traders' Visibility: With instant access to live mapping data, traders can promptly obtain crucial information, empowering them to make well-informed decisions quickly and efficiently.



My Role

Lead Product Designer


Visual Designer



4 Months


Responsive Web

Users can view all exchanges as well as status

Users can view & amend all mappings within an exchange

User can manage all mappings without SQL Scripts

Users can manage all mappings without SQL Scripts

How can we understand the different
dimensions of the problem ?

How can we understand the
different dimensions of the problem ?
How can we understand the different dimensions of the problem ?


Discovery through research is at the core of any design-driven problem-solving process; only by deeply understanding the problem can solutions be gleaned.

My primary objective was to delve into understanding both the business and user needs/problems, while identifying areas of opportunity for improvement within the current user journeys.

I conducted a series of problem statement workshops, internal stakeholder interviews, and user interviews. I synthesised my findings into an As-is customer journey map. This was helpful in presenting my research findings to key stakeholders and led to a shared vision on how to approach solving our core user needs.

Problem Statement Workshops

Involving stakeholders in our discovery journey is essential as it fosters empathy towards our end users, this ultimately leads to well-thought-out solutions.

I employed the WHO, WHAT, WHEN/WHERE, and WHY framework to ensure clarity around the core problems.

Customer Interviews

A key outcome of the problem statement workshop was identifying our key users as perceived by the business.

Using this as a basis, I contacted and set up one-on-one interviews with eight participants who fit these persona profiles, gaining insights into their preferences, journey frustrations, behaviour patterns, and expectations.

Internal Stakeholder interviews

I conducted stakeholder Interviews to grasp the business impact and technology stack constraints.

Aligning business objectives against user objectives is crucial during this stage to ensure we are prioritising the right problems from the user's and business perspective.

Customer Journey Mapping

To enhance our understanding of the problems our users were facing, I conducted interviews focused on their approaches to solving these issues. Additionally, I observed their actions while addressing a live problem, noting each step they took to resolve it.

This approach provided insight into how problems are identified and solved, including the tech stack utilised, communication processes and channels, and emotional responses at each stage.

To present this data effectively, I created an As-Is journey map illustrating the experiences of all our users and their interactions.

To enhance our understanding of the problems our users were facing, I conducted interviews focused on their approaches to solving these issues in their day to day lives.

Additionally, I observed their actions while addressing a live problem, noting each step they took to resolve it. This approach provided insight into how problems are identified and solved, including the tech stack utilised, communication processes and channels, and emotional responses at each stage.

To present this data effectively, I created an As-Is journey map illustrating the experiences of all our users and their interactions.

Research Insights

At Shell, the Trading desk and Operations teams face delays in updating trading data due to the absence of real-time access to production data mapping.

This challenge affects efficiency and competitiveness, particularly during scenarios such as new market introductions, data changes, trade flow failures, and new trader onboarding.

Lack of access to live Mapping data

Mappings are documented in Wiki and Spreadsheets, which are not maintained.

Inefficient failure analysis

Failure analysis and troubleshooting takes more effort and time as it involves validation of multiple tables and understanding the relationships between them can be complex.

Outdated change management processes

Support teams aren’t able to view configured TCP mappings quickly, this causes delays in implementing changes due to Change management process in production.

Reliance on external teams

Support teams have to manually run SQL scripts in order to make changes. They have to rely on TCP developers to create scripts and run it this takes days to make simple changes.

Delayed change Implementations

Support team is extremely dependant on TCP developers to create scripts. This creates delays in the process of completing Service now tickets.

Having to wait a number of days to implement changes when they can be done in minutes.

Time Sink

Creating mappings takes time away from More business focused tasks for TCP developers.

The problem statement workshop outcome was key in aligning with the business around the exact problem we are trying to solve.

TCP Support team

The TCP Support teams need to manually run complex database scripts to check and change trade data mappings (Especially when new traders, products, or markets come in) as well as monitor transactions and run failure analysis.

Aside from running scripts, the slow process is delayed further due to having to go through a change management process.

This slow process makes it hard to fix problems quickly and adapt to trade changes. It causes delays and messes up the smooth flow of trades in the company.

This inefficiency not only affects support teams but also hurts the business. We can use the support team's time and skills for more business related tasks.

Internal Product teams

The TCP application support Team lacks real-time access to production mapping, heavily relying on outdated documentation.

This hampers efficiency and diverts resources from essential projects. A solution is urgently needed to boost mapping visibility, reduce reliance on external teams, and drive business growth and efficiency.

Business Users - Traders

At Shell, the Trading desk and Operations teams face delays in updating trading data due to the absence of real-time access to production data mapping.

This challenge affects efficiency and competitiveness, particularly during scenarios such as new market introductions, data changes, trade flow failures, and new trader onboarding.

Our solution aims to expedite access and reduce external team dependence.

What can we do to solve these issues?

What can we do to solve these issues?

Design Hypothesis

By creating a platform that boosts the visibility of trade mappings, we can enhance support efficiency, reduce reliance on external teams, and improve blockers such as new market introductions, data changes, and trade flow failures.

This will streamline the support process and free up TCP developers and support staff to focus on more business-related tasks.

Information architecture and wireframing

Having identified and aligned on the key user/business needs, behaviours and pain points - Using my design hypothesis as an anchor I generated some ideas to help prove/disprove these solutions in low fidelity.

Prototyping and testing Hypothesis

After creating several prototypes using the Shell Design System, I conducted usability testing on the core user journeys in high fidelity to evaluate how effectively they addressed each pain point.

Applying the design, iterate, and test principles, I quickly integrated feedback from sessions to refine the prototypes until users felt the prototypes addressed their core needs.

Shell Design System





8-Pixel Grid


TCP was launched in 2024 and is currently being used by all trading support staff, the trading desk, and the TCP internal product team.


  • Streamlined Failure Analysis: With more efficient failure analysis the TCP support teams can quickly identify and address issues, reducing time to fix issues by 75%.

  • Reduced Time sink for developers: Developers went from spending 4 hours a week writing complex scripts to a fully automated process - This translated to about a 95% decrease in time spent writing complex SQL scripts. Developers could now focus on pivotal business initiatives at Shell.

  • Improved Traders' Visibility: With instant access to live mapping data, traders can promptly obtain crucial information, empowering them to make well-informed decisions quickly and efficiently.

  • Streamlined Failure Analysis: With more efficient failure analysis the TCP support teams can quickly identify and address issues, reducing time to fix issues by 75%.

  • Reduced Time sink for developers: Developers went from spending 4 hours a week writing complex scripts to a fully automated process - This translated to about a 95% decrease in time spent writing complex SQL scripts. Developers could now focus on pivotal business initiatives at Shell.

  • Improved Traders' Visibility: With instant access to live mapping data, traders can promptly obtain crucial information, empowering them to make well-informed decisions quickly and efficiently.

  • Streamlined Failure Analysis: With more efficient failure analysis the TCP support teams can quickly identify and address issues, reducing time to fix issues by 75%.

  • Reduced Time sink for developers: Developers went from spending 4 hours a week writing complex scripts to a fully automated process - This translated to about a 95% decrease in time spent writing complex SQL scripts. Developers could now focus on pivotal business initiatives at Shell.

  • Improved Traders' Visibility: With instant access to live mapping data, traders can promptly obtain crucial information, empowering them to make well-informed decisions quickly and efficiently.